Its the HAIR PERFUME for me!!!

Hair Perfumes: Here’s why you need them There’s just something about smelling good that enhances our mood and elevates our confidence. In fact, the benefits of wearing perfumes are well-established, scientifically even. Hence, it’s no surprise that the perfume industry has morphed into a multi-billion dollar industry. The latest trend in this sector is that of hair perfumes. Don’t be shocked! Hair perfumes are actually a thing, and they have even been touted as the new way to wear fragrance. They might seem like a superfluous luxury to most, but they do have their upsides. Curious? Read on to learn...
4c Hair: Everything You Need to Know

The boom in the natural hair movement in recent years marked a cultural shift towards rethinking our conceptualization of beauty. Despite this trend, people with 4c tresses still deal with massive texture discrimination, especially those with 4c hair. The truth is, managing 4c hair demands a little bit of more tender loving care, patience, and commitment than most other hair types. But that doesn’t make this type of hair any less glorious and beautiful. In fact, once you hack what works for your hair, caring for it is no more difficult than caring for any other type of hair. From...
8 Oils essential for Hair Growth